David Connon: Iowans Who Fought Against the Union

Cascade Public Library 301 1st Ave W, Cascade, IA, United States

Iowans who fought against the UnionMost Iowans think that the state was solidly pro-Union during the Civil War. After all, some 76,500 residents fought for the North. In reality, Iowa […]

OJ Fargo: Just Before the Battle Mother

Belmond-Klemme Junior Senior High School 411 10th Ave NE, Belmond, IA, United States

Just Before the Battle Mother—A Visit from a Civil War SoldierMr. Fargo dresses in full Union Army regalia and focuses the first person presentation on an individual Iowa soldier’s Civil […]

Rich Tyler: Your Grampa and Gramma’s Farm

Adair Library 199 Audubon St, Adair, IA, United States

Your Grampa and Gramma’s FarmFarming in the late 1800s and early 1900s represents a lifestyle of hard work, inventions, prosperity and depression. This presentation focuses on a typical farmer, Joshua […]

Sarah Uthoff: Laura Ingalls Wilder

Faith Lutheran Church 10395 University Ave, Clive, IA, United States

General Laura ProgramThe basic Laura Ingalls Wilder program gives a general overview of Laura’s life. It features slides taken at all the Laura sites and is good for any age […]

Jeff Stein: Where’s Floppy?

Faith Lutheran Church 10395 University Ave, Clive, IA, United States

Where’s Floppy? Celebrating an Iowa Television Icon(new in 2021)For 30 years, from 1957-1987, Duane Ellett and his puppet Floppy delighted audiences of all ages on WHO-TV in Des Moines and […]

Jeff Stein: Iowans You Should Know

Adair Library 199 Audubon St, Adair, IA, United States

Iowans You Should Know: Stories from the Iowa Almanac (new in 2021)Did you know that the Eskimo Pie® was invented in Iowa? So was the electric razor, the clip-on bow tie, […]

Darcy Maulsby: Adventures Along the Historic Lincoln Highway in Iowa

Ottumwa Public Library 102 4th St, Chillicothe, IA, United States

Adventures Along the Historic Lincoln Highway in IowaNothing says freedom like the great American road trip, especially when you cruise the historic Lincoln Highway in Iowa. Better known today as […]

Jeff Stein: From the Battlefront to the Homefront

Lakin Library and Envisioning Center 725 Main St, Tabor, IA, United States

From the Battlefront to the Homefront: Iowa Broadcasters Go To WarThe bravery of American military members has been well-documented, often due to the unique reporting done by Iowa-based broadcasters on […]

Jeff Stein: Iowans You Should Know

Ida Grove Public Library 100 E 2nd St, Ida Grove, IA, United States

Iowans You Should Know: Stories from the Iowa Almanac (new in 2021)Did you know that the Eskimo Pie® was invented in Iowa? So was the electric razor, the clip-on bow tie, […]

John Liepa: Iowa’s Ethnic Heritage

Grace O. Doane Alden Public Library 1012 Water St, Alden, IA, United States

Iowa’s Ethnic Heritage, or “Who Do You Think We Are?”Enjoy the unfolding and changing adventure of Iowa’s immigration history. Beginning with the Ioway, one of 17 distinctive indigenous tribal groups, we’ll […]

John Liepa: How Iowa Met Baseball

Burlington Public Library 210 Court St, Burlington, IA, United States

How Iowa Met Baseball: the Myths, the History, the PlayersOver the past century the setting for the spring passion of many Iowans has been the ballpark. This presentation explores the myths […]

Jeff Stein: Iowans You Should Know

Iowa Masonic Library and Museums 813 1st Ave SE, Cedar Rapids, IA, United States

Iowans You Should Know: Stories from the Iowa Almanac (new in 2021)Did you know that the Eskimo Pie® was invented in Iowa? So was the electric razor, the clip-on bow tie, […]