Darcy Maulsby: Iowa’s Lost History from the Titanic

Winterset Public Library 123 N 2nd St, Winterset, IA, United States

Iowa’s Lost History from the TitanicWhat do an orphan train rider, a kidnapper, a missionary, a wealthy businessman, a wedding guest, a betrayed wife, a farmer and an immigrant recruiter […]

Jeff Stein: Where’s Floppy?

Mowry Irvine Mansion 503 W Main St, Marshalltown, IA, United States

Where’s Floppy? Celebrating an Iowa Television Icon(new in 2021)For 30 years, from 1957-1987, Duane Ellett and his puppet Floppy delighted audiences of all ages on WHO-TV in Des Moines and […]

David Connon: Josiah Bushnell Grinnell and the Underground Railiroad

Adair Library 199 Audubon St, Adair, IA, United States

Josiah Bushnell Grinnell and the Iowa Underground Railroad“Preacher,” “congressman,” “negro-stealer”: Josiah Bushnell Grinnell was called all of those things during his life. He was called a negro-stealer because he participated […]

Randy Lengeling: Grant Wood

Carnegie Historical Museum 112 S Court St, Fairfield, IA, United States

Grant Wood: Artistic Rags to Riches—An American Success StoryThis is an animated PowerPoint presentation, with archival photographs and video segments, that looks at Wood’s personal life story, his artistic development […]

Rich Tyler: Your Grampa and Gramma’s Farm

Bondurant Community Library 104 2nd St NE, Bondurant, IA, United States

Your Grampa and Gramma’s FarmFarming in the late 1800s and early 1900s represents a lifestyle of hard work, inventions, prosperity and depression. This presentation focuses on a typical farmer, Joshua […]

John Liepa: Iowa’s Ethnic Heritage

Stuart Public Library 501 Front St, Stuart, IA, United States

Iowa’s Ethnic Heritage, or “Who Do You Think We Are?”Enjoy the unfolding and changing adventure of Iowa’s immigration history. Beginning with the Ioway, one of 17 distinctive indigenous tribal groups, we’ll […]

John Liepa: Iowa’s Ethnic Heritage

Council Bluffs Public Library 400 Willow Ave, Council Bluffs, IA, United States

Iowa’s Ethnic Heritage, or “Who Do You Think We Are?”Enjoy the unfolding and changing adventure of Iowa’s immigration history. Beginning with the Ioway, one of 17 distinctive indigenous tribal groups, we’ll […]

Jeff Stein: Where’s Floppy

Adel Public Library 303 S 10th St, Adel, IA, United States

Where’s Floppy? Celebrating an Iowa Television Icon(new in 2021)For 30 years, from 1957-1987, Duane Ellett and his puppet Floppy delighted audiences of all ages on WHO-TV in Des Moines and […]

Thomas Dean: Green Fire

Nahant Marsh Davenport, IA, United States

Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our TimeThomas Dean is trained as a Land Ethic Leader through the Aldo Leopold Foundation, a program with the goal to […]

John Liepa: How Iowa Met Baseball

Fairfield Public Library 103 W Adams Ave, Fairfield, IA, United States

How Iowa Met Baseball: the Myths, the History, the PlayersOver the past century the setting for the spring passion of many Iowans has been the ballpark. This presentation explores the myths […]

Barbara Lounsberry: Nancy Drew

Marshalltown Public Library 105 W Boone St, Marshalltown, IA, United States

Nancy Drew: Iowa’s Heroine to the WorldNancy Drew is the most popular female detective in fiction. Few know, however, that Nancy is an Iowa heroine and that her creator was […]