Treyla M. Lee

Treyla M. Lee
Ms. Treyla M. Lee is a native of Sioux City, IA. Treyla has a Masters Degree in Education from Wayne State College in Wayne, NE and currently employed as a Recruiter for Wendy’s Wonderful Kids/Dave Thomas Foundation/Four Oaks Family & Children’s Services.
Ms. Lee serves on several professional and community boards and organizations: in addition to working as Program Director for The First Tee of Siouxland. Ms. Lee is Vice President of Omaha Graduate Chapter and 2019 Mid-Western Regional
Conference Chairman of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. which is the First African American Sorority founded in 1908, that helps alleviate problems concerning girls and women in order to improve their social stature, and to be of ‘Service to All Mankind”. Ms.
Lee is also Vice Chairman of the local NAACP chapter and former Miss Black Iowa.
Treyla enjoys traveling, spending time with family and friends, golfing, working out and encouraging others to pursue their “GREATNESS”
The motto she lives by is: “I am planning with purpose, preparing with prayer, proceeding with a positive attitude. While Pursuing my goals” – African American Folktale