Trevor Harvey

Trevor Harvey
Trevor Harvey is an associate professor of instruction in ethnomusicology at The University of Iowa, where he teaches a range of courses focused on global music traditions, social justice in Latin American music, local music cultures,
and ethnographic research methodologies. His research interests center on participatory musical cultures and community construction through collaborative, recreational musical practices. Trevor has conducted fieldwork-based research
projects within multicultural and multinational Internet communities, the virtual world of Second Life, Appalachian dulcimer communities, and informal old-time jam sessions. He is an active member of the Society for Ethnomusicology
(SEM) and serves as editor and producer of “Ethnomusicology Today,” the SEM podcast.
Trevor is a frequent collaborator and volunteer with a variety of local arts and community organizations and currently serves as president of HTLIC Media, Inc., an Iowa City-based non-profit organization committed to supporting the
diverse voices of local artists in the creative development and production of socially-engaged, multimedia musical projects. He is also a co-founder and co-organizer of the Iowa City Front Porch Music Festival.
Trevor earned his Ph.D. and M.M. in Ethnomusicology/Musicology from The Florida State University and his B.A. in Music from Brigham Young University. Before moving to Iowa in 2011, he previously taught at The Florida State University
and Middle Tennessee State University. Among his many interests, Trevor enjoys bicycling and camping (especially together), cooking, and ultimate frisbee.